249 W 13th Street,

Wellston, OH 45692

740-384-5627 (voice)

740-384-3886 (fax)

e-mail:  gwkeller@frontier.com

The Cambrian observed it's 20th anniversary with a celebration that was held at The Cambrian on June 2, 2005 from 3:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M.  Jackson MHA would like to thank ALL who helped make this event such a huge success.  The following links are some photos that were taken at the celebration.
Coming into the celebration Greetings from the lobby Lobby Decor JMHA Director preparing for celebration
Guest - Bob Ervin      Guest - Clyde Evans Guest - Allen Stockmeister Guest - Bernadine Stockmeister Table Decorations (1) Table Decorations (2) Socializing (1)   Socializing (2)